Thursday 7 January 2010

No 6 - The Wandering Albatross

The Wandering Albatross is one of the largest birds in the world with a wingspan of 2.5 – 3.35 meters. Here, you can see David Attenborough with an Albatross chick and get a better idea of its large size. The Wandering Albatross spends the majority of its time in flight, soaring over the southern oceans – one bird was recorded to have travelled 6000 km in 12 days!

Sadly, the main threat to this incredible bird is incidental catch in fisheries. Individuals get trapped on longline fishing hooks whilst trying to steal fish and squid bait. Then once they are snared they're pulled under and drown. 100,000 Albatrosses die each year on fishing hooks. They are being killed in such vast numbers that they can't breed fast enough to keep their numbers up. This is putting them in real danger of extinction.

You can give your support to conservation effort for their survival by making a donation to: Save the Albatross fund

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